click here One of the best things about winter is the calmness, the quiet. When the temperatures drop and sunlight is limited to eight hours a day, many opt to stay inside and dream of the long summer days to come. Hey, I do it too.
follow But sometimes the best moments can be found when most people are tucked snugly inside bed. This past weekend, feeling a little housebound despite nighttime temperatures in the -20 below range, I decided a little trip to the river was in order. An early morning spent along the Gallatin River produced a series of images. The lighting was tricky, but the fog coming off of the river and the hints of pink, purple, and cream capture the eye, leading it up past the frost-laden trees and the icy river. A mix of positive and negative vignetting help give the image a bit of a frosty look itself and brighten up what otherwise might be too dark an image. Tags: Rivers
go herefollow url Tagged as: color, fog, Gallatin River, sunrise, water, winter
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