“All I ask is this: Do something. Try something. Speaking out, showing up, writing a letter, a check, a strongly worded email. Pick a cause – there are few unworthy ones. And nudge yourself past the brink of tacit support to action. Once a month, once a year, or just once.”
-Joss Whelden
I love photography in that it captures people during a moment of their day. Sometimes the best pictures are of mundane little moments that otherwise might be passed over and mechanically performed. Photography really makes you think about every moment – could that composition work for an image? – and brings you into the moment.
It doesn’t take that much to make a difference in someone’s life. A small smile to that guy looking rather grim at the grocery store may just make his week. Saying a simple, heartfelt “thank you” to the teller at the bank might make her smile. You don’t have to go save the world – there’s plenty good to be done in your everyday life.
Tags: Scenes
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