Fire Girl Photography in “Images Against Walls” by Editor on June 2, 2010 A shooter with an AR at the Logan Shooting Range, Montana.

Buying Tramadol Uk Please take time to visit the “Images Against Walls” project.  Photojournalists from all over the world have come together and combined an array of photographs concerning our perception of “walls” – both real or imagined.  The project is based out of Cologne, Germany, and a gallery show will be held at the Galerie Lichtblick in Koln, Germany. I am very honored that Tina Schellhorn, curator of the project, has selected a series from Fire Girl Photography to be part of the project.  This series of images, taken at the Logan Shooting Range in Logan, Montana introduce a western feel to this international project.  Sadly, the number of places in the world where you can take a quiet winter afternoon and go shoot semi-automatic weapons is shrinking… although the pastime still seems to be quite alive here in Montana.

watch Fire Girl Photography thanks all those involved with this project and looks forward to doing more work with Galerie Lichtblick!

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