The Therapy of Photography by Editor on September 3, 2010

follow An angler on the San Marcos River in South Texas.

Buying Tramadol In Mexico

go site It’s been a rough week at the day job.  I’ve stumbled in the door each night wiped out, physically and emotionally, wanting sleep but not really able to shut my eyes.  Long hours on the clock mean, regrettably, that photo work suffers.

go to link So last night when I got home, saw an impressively large snake slithering around near my cabin (I don’t do snakes) and realized the fridge was nigh on empty, there was really nothing to do but take pictures. The results were certainly nothing extraordinary and will most likely never see the light of day.  But by simply going through the process of working my gear and then cleaning and storing it, I began to feel better.  I mellowed out enough to start up the computer and work on an article for a few hours – and that mellowed me further.  Any form of creativity has the potential to make us see things from a new perspective.  Photography and writing just happen to be my medicine of choice.

Tramadol Buy Online Time spent on the river is a close second. Heading up to Austin today for a commercial shoot.  I’ve packed an overnight bag… just may have to stay the night and then spend tomorrow in downtown Austin with the camera again.


go to site Tags: Random Bits Tagged as: Austin, Fire Girl Photography, fly fishing, photography, San Marcos River, therapy

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