Well, back in Texas after a rather interesting drive back. The driver’s window to the Dry Fly truck decided to collapse off its tracks and into the doorframe as soon as we turned south. Our only assumption was that it was as upset at returning to the south as we were. We made the thirty-five hour drive straight through with the window down and thankfully avoided any rain whatsoever. Apparently the truck has also taken a leaf from my Subaru and started to flash various dashboard warning lights throughout the drive.
Valium Online Mastercard There is nothing like driving through the New Mexico emptiness in the middle of the night in a truck that might decide to quit at any given moment.
follow link So far the footage from the trip looks fantastic, especially the Madison and Gallatin shoots. Everything is off to the cutting floor; we are excited to see how things come together! I came back with a host of still images and so far am pretty pleased with the results. Look for more trip images to come over the next few weeks.
get link I have a commercial shoot scheduled for Sunday and am trying to wrap up two articles – one for an equestrian magazine, the other for a fishing publication. Suddenly hordes of photography contests are coming close to deadline… time to get my entries together and submitted. Ah, back to the routine.
get link When can I hit the road again?
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