Changes… and What Really Matters by Fire Girl Jess on November 14, 2010

click here Exciting changes are coming to Fire Girl Photography, not the least of which is a new website.  The site, which will be taking over is a new portfolio site showcasing some exciting new images as well as some of the good old ones.  (I say old… well, images from last year.  You get the point.)  The blog will still be alive and kicking, however, at a new URL (should be something like Fire Girl Photography dot com slash blog, but that’s still up in the air).  At any rate, it will be accessible via a drop-down window on the new site.

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enter site I’m looking forward to feedback on the new site – once it’s up please take a look and let me know what you think! This past week I was working on an interview for a national Western lifestyle magazine.  The magazine approached me, asking if I’d be willing to be interviewed for their spring photo issue.  Of course I was ecstatic and agreed.

Order Tramadol Overnight Cod Very strange to be on the interviewee side for a change, though.  By nature I am a pretty damn shy person (was, anyway) so it has been a growing experience to become comfortable meeting new people and conducting business.  This is especially true since most of the people I end up interviewing are men who aren’t quite sure what to make of “the twenty-two year old girl with a camera and a notebook”.  But I am learning that there is nothing quite as exhilarating as doing something that scares you and coming out on top.

go here Many of the questions asked in the article interview made me stop and think.  I’ve been so busy growing my business, churning new work, and trying to make a living that sometimes it can be hard to remember why I really am doing this.  Funny what makes you stop and think. And even funnier how it can re-focus you.  Right now I am living in Austin… and I thought hell would freeze over before I lived in Texas again.  I’m in close, temporary quarters.  Basically all of my belongings are in a storage unit.  I have this laptop, two hard drives, my camera kit, and a handful of Moleskine notebooks sitting on a folding table.

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here And I’m loving it.  There is something so very freeing about being portable at an instant’s notice.  Life is very basic right now.  Lots of work.  Lots of writing.  Lots of image work.  Maybe a little sleep.

follow Most of my friends are getting married, having children.  I’m thrilled for them… they are happy and enjoying their day jobs and dinner groups.  I don’t see myself settling down anytime soon.  There’s too much out there… it’s too a big world to limit myself to one place, to one life. Sometimes the things that really matter aren’t that complicated.  Give me a camera and my quirky Suby and I’m happy.  Chasing a passion doesn’t have to be a grand thing and sometimes a little chance turns into a different life.  It’s all about being bold and not afraid to risk a little… or a lot.

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