Welcome back to the Fire Girl Blog. What was supposed to have been a simple website change snowballed into a disaster… but we are up and running yet again. Please note that my email address has changed as well.
I’m thrilled with the new site and am frantically working on finishing up some odds and ends, so please excuse any rough work for a few more days. I am certainly looking for feedback on the new site. Please let me know what you like, what you don’t like, and what you’d like to see Fire Girl shoot in the future.
The computer was left back at the house this past Saturday when I spent the day shooting the Central Texas Dressage Society Fall Formal. It was a great little show, the weather was almost on the verge of chilly for once, and I came home with 800+ images. Though the lighting was iffy-on-the-verge-of-challenging, some creative settings produced a set of classic images. Many thanks to the folks at CTDS for having me.
Another exciting new project is in the works – check back for more information! Life is too short to be sitting still…
Tags: Equestrian
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It was so good to meet you at the horse show! You were very kind with your help and photography advice. Am sending you an email now to just dop a note. Hope you are well and busy!