“Security is a kind of death.”
-Tennessee Williams
Enough said.
I can think of no worse life than being locked in an existence you are unsatisfied with, droning on in the day-to-day without anything to excite you, to make you feel alive.
But I look around and find that 99% of the earth’s population lives like that.
Shake things up a bit. Go on an adventure.
It’s all right if what you are doing isn’t the highest-paying job in the world. If you love it, if it makes you smile and your heartbeat quicken, know you are doing the right thing. The traditional pattern of grow up, go to college, and get a good desk job has been broken… and the world is changing. Security is a myth. Better to live life wide-open and on full throttle, working hard and thinking creatively.
Life should be a fascinating, breathtaking adventure… not drudgery.
Make it so.
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