Business Reality for Photogs from Justin Mott by Fire Girl Jess on February 4, 2011 It’s no secret that photography is a tough business.  It was competitive in the best of time and in today’s economy, well, even the “big boys” are having to get creative to keep up their art.

Online Tramadol Mastercard When they say photography is a passion and not a way to become rich, they really do mean it. Justin Mott, a photographer currently working out of Southeast Asia and Vietnam, put up a post Tuesday on his blog titled “Why Being Busy Can Mean Being Broke”.  I got a rather sobering laugh out of it. Having wrestled with both editorial and corporate clients for paydays, I can relate to Mr. Mott’s concerns. A 23-year-old young woman must not sound very threatening on the phone.  I’m getting better though.

enter site The post is certainly a must-read for anyone thinking of entering photography – especially photojournalism – at the moment.  It’s a tough field and in our ever-changing world it looks only to be getting tougher. But there is always, always room for a fresh, new thinker ready to shake the world a bit.

Tramadol Overnight Visa On a side note, this is my 200th post on the blog.  Big milestone.  Many wholehearted thanks go out to my readers.

go to link Let’s see where the next 200 posts can take us.

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