Save for a half-hour stint this evening, my camera gear has not been touched in over a week.
It’s looked lonely.
Sometimes you have those days when everything just snowballs downhill. It’s been a solid week of those days here at the barn, starting with a dead heater during sustained sub-zero weather and culminating today in an overflowing, frozen septic system.
Not pleasant.
But life goes on. Crisis dealt with and averted, pending on the scenario. Sometimes the best thing to do is just to quit worrying, to jump in and deal with the problem. Sometimes things go to hell and all you can do is go along for the ride and keep on going until things look better.
In the end, it’s all an adventure. I had flashbacks this week of dealing with barn issues from when I was a teen in Montana… made me laugh. Sometimes it takes a while, but more often than not we can look back on unpleasant events and grin.
And it’s all about making the most of it. During an hour break from work this afternoon I hauled the gear out and played around with some birds frolicking in our new snowfall. Little guys can be surprisingly fascinating to watch!
Side note: sometimes you need a good, inspirational soundtrack while you work. Here’s mine for tonight. I’m in that mood to get projects moving.
Tags: Random Bits
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