clickclick here One key aspect that many photographers miss is the need for a little down time. Sure, it’s easy to run and run and run – managing a business, handling clients, drumming up new business, and (oh yeah) shooting some pictures. I’ve met some photographers who were so wound up in getting everything done that they completely lost all sense of joy from getting behind a camera. url We all need a bit of down time every day – whether it’s fifteen minutes with a good book or calling off from work and spending the entire afternoon on the river.
source And, hey, it’s productive.
go site Ever noticed how your best ideas, the most productive creative thought happens when you are not really trying? I’m learning that when on the cusp of a big decision (or sometimes simply suffering from writer’s block) the solution lies in getting away from it all… and getting my mind off whatever it is I’m worrying about. Going for an impromptu recreational drive. Getting out and walking – hiking, moving your body. Quiet time spent on the banks of a great river, just listening to the water.
follow site “Down time” doesn’t necessarily mean doing nothing. Some of the best down time I’ve ever had has been grueling physically. It’s getting out of the rut, out of the routine, and (sometimes) maybe even a little bit out of your own mind.
source site Tags: Business
go here Tagged as: business, down time, Dry Fly Media, Fire Girl Photography, Madison, Montana
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