As promised, new adventures are in the planning stages here at Fire Girl Photography. The most exciting of which is a five-month sailing / island-hopping expedition throughout the South Pacific from Australia to China.
go here Several close friends have informed me that I must be certifiable.
follow My reply – you only live once.
follow site Here’s a blip from the official press / sponsor release: Beginning late September 2011 I will be undertaking a five-month sailing voyage across the South Pacific. The journey is from Australia to China and will follow the assumed route that Chinese sailors took to return to China on the last leg of the first known round the world voyage in 1421.
source site The journey has several goals, detailed in a brief attachment to this email. We plan to document several matriarchal tribes, explore Chinese shipwrecks in the area, and hope to find a rumored Ming Dynasty stone tablet on a remote island east of Papua New Guinea. Myself and one other adventurer will be sailing in a 1959 35’ sailboat, outfitted minimally with modern conveniences. The boat was crafted in Hong Kong and this trip will complete its voyage around the world. You can read more about the project on my Kickstarter platform. I am actively seeking sponsorship in any way, means, or form… the logistics for a trip such as this are formidable and the cost intimidating. Any involved parties will be privy to special news releases / communication throughout the voyage and will receive prints of images taken on the trip.
Us Tramadol Online So spread the word!
source url Tags: Expeditions Tagged as: adventure, Australia, China, expedition, Fire Girl Photography, sailing, trip
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