Gear Log: Food

click here by Fire Girl Jess on April 11, 2011


click Relaxing during a lunch break on the Gallatin. Photo credit: Dry Fly Media.

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here One of my favorite aspects of outdoor photography is that it gets me away from the computer, outside and away from people.

here That last bit sounds bad, but is admittedly true.  Sometimes you just need to get away.

watch But long days on the trail / river / boat require fuel.  Carrying my camera bag, I typically don’t have room for loads of extra food and certainly have no desire to tote around extra weight.

source site In the picture to the right, I had just been chased off the Gallatin by a bear and was taking a lunch break at Greek Creek.  (Photo credit goes the the guys over at Dry Fly Media.)  Zatarains cooked over a JetBoil can make any day a bit better – when you are basing out of a car.  But who wants to haul all that around when you’re on foot? Enter protein bars.  Over the past two years I’ve tried most protein bars on the market – Clif, Luna, Lara, ProMax – you name it.  At an adventure race last weekend I got my hands on some samples of a bar I hadn’t yet tried – Raw*Revolution.  Organic, live food bars with sprouted flax seeds, the bars come in flavors like Chocolate Coconut (my fav), Spirulina and Cashew, and Cashew and Agave Necter.  They taste amazing – like real, whole food instead of a candy bar – and give me a great boost during the long, hot days here in Austin.

go site Even better, when they have been in my pack and get hot, they don’t melt but instead take on a lovely brownie-like consistency. I think I may have found a new favorite!

go * Disclaimer:  I am not being remunerated in any way, shape, or form for this review.  I just like the bars. Tags: Reviews

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