I came across this jewel in The Madisonian while doing some research last night.
The number one rule for photographing wildlife in Montana is simple: never approach to the point of danger. There is a very fine line to tread between getting the picture and putting both yourself and the animal in danger.
This man crossed it.
Bull moose are notoriously bad tempered, and certainly not be messed with. Given the choice, I’m not sure if I’d rather run into an angry moose or a bear out on the trail.
I’ve hiked Bear Trap quite regularly and spent some incredible afternoons out on the stretch of the Madison River that flows through the canyon. This picture was taken during a day-long solo hike last spring. It’s not terribly unusual to see bear, moose, deer, and elk tracks as you go further up the trail.
It’s Montana.
But certainly one doesn’t seek out grizzlies for a “close up experience”.
Tags: Random Bits
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