So last week I broke into savings and ordered more memory cards… a lot more memory cards. I now own approximately 10.25 times more memory than I did yesterday morning. The cards arrived last night and I spent the last few hours of the day working with them stacked on the edge of my Costco folding table. Though I was trying to finish up work on a submission, my thoughts kept straying towards the pile of memory to my right. Who knows what kind of pictures will be recorded on those cards in the next few years?
Order Tramadol Online Usasee Where the cards will travel with me? What adventures we’ll have?
follow url I’m a minimalist when it comes to household. I have a hammock instead of a couch, silicone camping bowls in the kitchen, and a spork that admittedly receives quite regular use. I guess I’m also a minimalist when it comes to camera gear. This is a picture looking into my camera bag (sans camera body and one lens – they were used to take the picture) during a two-week long assignment in the West. The shot was taken on top of a Forest Service table at the Greek Creek campground in the Gallatin Canyon. Bozemanites, next time you drive by please say hi to the place for me.
watchgo here Keep it minimal. Photography is not about who has the most expensive gear, the largest quiver of lenses, or the fullest camera bag. It’s about what you shoot. And even more so about how you shoot it. Tags: Random Bits Tagged as: bag, camera, Fire Girl Photography, gear, memory cards { 0 comments… add one now }