Tramadol Buy Online Uk Well, it’s finally happened. I woke up yesterday with a temperature and a stubborn cold. Outdoor plans for the day were called off and I took up residence in front of the computer with green tea and vitamin C tablets.
Tramadol Where To Buy Uk One benefit of not feeling like doing anything is that it takes very little physical effort to sit at the desk and wade through the Lightroom photo library. I took the opportunity to dig through old work, in the process editing (read: killing off) something like 500+ images.
clickgo to link I also dug up some old work and some good memories, like this image from the 2009 Spruce Meadows Masters tournament that won Gand Prize in the Dover Saddlery photo contest last year. This show was during my first few months with real camera gear, and I was somehow able to schmooze myself into a press pass and the additional access that came with that little badge. It remains one of the most memorable photographic days to date. Tags: Fire Girl Photography site Tagged as: editing, Fire Girl Photography, Masters Tournament, sick, Spruce Meadows { 0 comments… add one now }