Friends and I headed out to Austin’s Seismic Wall on a mercifully cool Sunday morning a few weeks ago. We all were headed off to the “day job” at noon but wanted to get a few hours on the rock in beforehand. Somehow a day working is so much more palatable after a morning spent playing outside.
Seismic Wall is – quite literally – a south-facing wall on Austin’s greenbelt. The sun slowly crept up thorough the trees and warmed us up, and while climbing once we’d reach the sunny part of the wall we’d pause and sun like lizards, warming up chilly hands. While the guys were climbing, I wandered off with the camera and got some area shots.
Austin is anything but scenic in the winter… dry and rather brown. But this morning we had nice speckled clouds, little haze, and a bright sunrise. I’ve leaned to take what I can get.
Don’t be afraid to get away from your main photography subject. Shoot around the subject as well… so much of the story lies on the periphery.
Tags: Scenes
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