Packing and Preparation

by Fire Girl Jess on April 30, 2012

Enjoying the weirdness of Austin before moving on. Uncommon Objects. South Congress, Austin, Texas.

I have four days left in Austin.

And a ridiculous amount of things to get done in those four days.

It’ll all get done, I have no doubt.  Suffice to say things are about to get a bit crazy around here.

Started packing last night.  I’m leaving the majority of my things in storage near Austin and fitting my tech and travel gear in the Subaru for the drive to Seattle.  Trying to stage and decide what to pack for the next 6-8 months of my life has been an interesting process.  When you get down to it, you really just don’t need that much.

Finally making some progress with visa paperwork and hoping that comes through in under three weeks.

Working on wrapping up work here in Austin.  Dealing with my lease here.  Saying goodbye to my little family here… by far the hardest part.

If all goes as planned, I’ll be driving out of Austin early on the 4th and arriving in Olympia sometime late on the 6th.  I’ll have twelve days to do a final sort, manage last-minute assignments that have popped up, and hopefully get some good photo sessions in on the Olympic Peninsula.

And then, on the 18th, off to Russia.


Tags: Ponoi Project

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