Well, about thirty-six hours before I hop on a plane for a few day’s worth of travel to Murmansk, Russia and then on to the Ponoi River Company’s Ryabaga Camp.
Those who know me well know that I have a somewhat maniacal tendency to seek out adventure. I know the decision to take a job above the Arctic Circle in Russia was as big a surprise for me as for some of you. The past two months have been a whirlwind of visa preparations, paperwork, late-notice moves and road trips across the country. Something of a warp-speed experience.
I have a feeling the next five-plus months are going to make the past two seem like a walk on the beach.
I’ve been packing today, chasing down my final immunization (five clinics later, finally found the one I needed!) and programming new tech gear. Magically everything looks like it will fit and I’ve discovered that as long as I have the camera gear I need, I’m perfectly okay living in three pair of pants and six shirts for half a year.
A shiny Russian work visa is printed in my passport and staring me in the face. Story and photo essay ideas are already swimming through my brain much like a migratory salmon.
Thanks so much for the support you’ve all shown as I get ready for this adventure. It’s been heartwarming to see folks from all over the world – and especially some acquaintances in Austin – come out of the woodwork and wish me well on this venture. You’re all amazing and very, very much appreciated.
Well, yee-haw, let’s do this thing.
For those trying to reach me from now until the end of October, email will be the way to go. I’m leaving my U.S. phone in Seattle and – hopefully – should have reasonable internet access in camp.
Time to access that internet, however, may be another issue entirely.
Tags: Ponoi Project
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