Winter is on the way! We’ve been having days in the 50’s here, making it hard to believe it’s actually November. I walk to work everyday. Walk back home. Walk to the gym. Walk home. It’s pleasant when the weather is nice and I’m getting used to gas field workers honking and yelling suggestively out their windows.
I think when it’s -25 out it will be a bit less fun.
Just talked to Jake in Bozeman where they are due almost a foot of snow over the coming weekend. He’s stoked and I’m eagerly hoping the storm will move down this way.
We shall see.
It’s been a productive week here. I continue to settle in and learn the ways of a truly small town. I ran into the librarian crew at the grocery store and today at the gym the school principal stopped me and offered me to come use the high school weight room during off hours.
It’s fun.
Had a great discussion with Scott Christy, the Wyoming Trout Unlimited Coordinator and am very, very excited to team up with them on some projects.
I’m exhausted – my mind took over and ran my body too hard at the gym – and have written more in the past few weeks than I have in years.
It feels good.
Tags: Wildlife
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