The drinking and partying of New Year’s Eve has never really made much since to me.
I guess I’m an odd one.
Last night, I drove up to the local ski resort to photograph a nighttime torchlit ski, then came back and spent the night Skyping friends across the globe, watching episodes of Torchwood and eating Rocky Road ice cream.
And it was awesome.
Up early this morning ready to greet the New Year with productive work. I have a day off from the paper, which means a long workday here at home for FGP. Somehow, though, working in and on your own business rarely ever feels like work. I’m updating the portfolio, prepping magazine submissions, and just generally laying out a plan for this year.
2012 was insane. Six relocations, two countries, new friends, and an whole host of firsts. My work was recognized and picked up in places I’d never imagined.
Somehow I hope 2013 is just as wild, though I’m certainly glad bits of 2012 are left behind.
So here’s to a new year, all. It’s -18F right now in Pinedale and I’m cuddled in with a space heater, two computers, and a giant cup of tea.
Let’s go!
Tags: Fire Girl Photography
{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
I like this post, Jess. Running your own show rarely feels like work (except when it does) – but it is way more rewarding to be able to say “It’s Mine” than to say “I work for …”
I don’t get all sappy about resolutions and arbitrary goals and sky-high illuminations. I do get excited to keep driving forward, growing, experiencing, and leading. That is my version of a resolution.
Hope to meet you in person sometime in 2013…let’s make that a ‘goal’.
I left a comment…did it work?
Thanks, Sinjin!
I think it all boils down to continuing to push forward and not becoming stagnant. Life’s too short. Experiencing can be uncomfortable, but in my mind it’s the only way to learn.
I’m totally game to meet in person in 2013 – let’s do it!
Thanks, and here’s to a killer 2013.