Exploring the ‘Mo

by Fire Girl Jess on March 24, 2013

Craig_Missouri_River_Sunrise_GeeseI’ve been spending my days off driving the frontage road along the Missouri, memorizing sites of boat ramps (for driving shuttles) and just generally trying to familiarize myself with the river.

Despite a snowy day Friday and a seven degree morning yesterday, days have been beautiful and folks have been out on the water.  The temps, however, have prevented most from making their way to the river until late morning or early afternoon.  No sunrise starts this weekend.

I’ve been trying to give myself a 10-minute leeway on my drive in, so in case I see anything I absolutely must stop and photograph, I can.  It paid off yesterday with a beautiful sunrise and this pair of geese down by the Craig take out.

Despite the chill in the air, an unmistakable green tint is appearing underneath the grasses, and yesterday while shuttling I saw my first brand new lamb of the season.

Spring is on the way!

Tags: Missouri Project

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