I’ve been up for a few hours already, awakened by the mighty municipality of Cascade’s siren / “bomb alarm” blaring loud and clear for a full five minutes at 0500h. I lay in the cot for a minute, enjoying the cool morning air, and then thought “what the hell” and started the day. When a medevac started circling town thirty minutes later, landing shorty thereafter on Main Street, there was no more chance of sleep.
watch Just another day on the Missouri.
Buy Diazepam Amazon Yesterday, a client collapsed in a guide boat and was declared clinically dead for 30 seconds. He was choppered out and, as of the latest news, is recovering.
Buy Diazepam 5Mg Online Ukgo I had a shot of tequila with the guide last night and can tell you he was a little shaken.
enter site It all seems to blur into the July madness. August is a week away, and I can tell you we are all ready, though it looks like at least for FGP work, August will not bring the anticipated lull.
go site I like busy. Busy is good. I spent a recent morning out of the shop, hiking up and down the river and taking some images of the boat traffic underneath Holter Dam. It was a typical, very bright summer morning, with no clouds in the sky. Using the swarms of bugs and the dust generated by the road, I was able to generate a bit of texture to the images despite the bright, unforgiving skies. I caught a few waves from guides who I know and who recognized me, while others stared at me, somewhat incredulous. There was a girl on the bank. With a camera. Eh. At any rate, they should all be used to seeing me running around with a camera over one shoulder.
Buy Roche Diazepam Uk They have their fly rods, I have a Canon. Tags: Missouri Project
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