Most of you will be familiar with Marley, the new Headhunters shop dog, and her owner Jake.
In the short space of a week, Marley went from a confused, stray pup to a casting pro and lawnmower, vacuum and hose herding expert.
I’m finally taking the time to upload the remaining last-minute images I shot during my tenure in Montana, and was excited to see these come off the memory card. It was a rainy evening, and Jake was getting in his daily casting practice on the Craig Casting Lane while Marley, ever so helpfully, acted as a stripping basket.
Just another great moment of life in Craig.
I’m packing the bags today and driving out at 0300h tomorrow to travel to a military-journalist training session. I’ll be spending the coming week on Ft. Leavenworth and Ft. Leonard-Wood, and look forward to throwing some new posting material your way!
Bit weird to be packing business slacks, pencil skirts and heels instead of hiking boots and cargo pants.
Montana fishing villages, the Pacific Northwest and now U.S. military bases. You never know what’s going to pop up on the Fire Girl blog.
Tags: Missouri Project
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