American Angler Feature: Water War on the Madison by Fire Girl Jess on October 16, 2013 1390698_10151897229584827_565336445_nThe good guys over at American Angler sent over a copy of the November / December issue, and I was excited to see a piece I’ve been working on for a while finally make it to print.  “Troubled Water” details the management and flow issues Montana’s Madison river has seen in 2013. “One of Montana’s most iconic trout fisheries survived the summer of 2013 bruised and battered.  Have we learned anything from that experience?”

go here Thanks to a team of exceptional men in the Montana fly fishing industry, as well as representatives from PPL Montana, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and other organizations who were generous with their time and knowledge as I researched and wrote the article. I remember one interview in particular… a man who I had been hounding for three weeks finally called when I was having a cavity filled in the dentist’s chair.  I yanked the gauze out and took the call.

go to site The dentist is a fly fisherman, so he got it. I took another interview sitting on the porch of Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig, dodging rain that kept blowing onto my notepad. Sometimes you just have to get the job done.

go Huge thanks especially to Mike Lum of the Madison River Fishing Company in Ennis and Joe Moore of Big Sky Anglers in West Yellowstone.  These guys were instrumental in helping with this piece.  True professionals.

source link Shortly after this piece went to press, PPL Montana was bought out by Northwestern Energy.  I’ll be interested to see how Montana’s hydroelectric dams are handled by the new owners.  Here’s to a better year on the Madison in 2014, and a quick finish to Hebgen Dam.

follow site Tags: Publications Tagged as: American Angler, article, Fire Girl Photography, Jessica McGlothlin, Madison River, Montana, published { 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Leonard October 21, 2013 at 12:25

Tramadol Tablets Online Congratulations on your continued success. Missed seeing you in Craig this fall. All the best.

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Fire Girl Jess October 21, 2013 at 21:14

Buying Tramadol Online Illegal Thanks, Leonard. I’ve been rather missing Craig quite a lot since leaving. Hope it was a fantastic trip out!

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Mike Lum November 3, 2013 at 17:39 Hey Jess,

Order Tramadol Overnight Mastercard Great articles…especially the Madison one. Nice work. Definitely generating some “discussion” here in Ennis.

click Can you tell me though, where you’re getting feedback and discussion online? I’d love to join in any discussion that’s happening but I can’t seem to track down anything…nothing on the American Angler web-site.

source link Hope you’re well. Best,

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Fire Girl Jess November 10, 2013 at 10:02 Hey Mike,

follow url Thanks much; couldn’t have done the Madison one without you. Can’t thank you enough.

follow site I’ve been getting direct emails from people about the article; I know several people have said they will be writing letters to the editor of American Angler and comment there. As you’ve seen, there’s not much of an online comment portal.

enter site I’d love to hear a bit about the discussion going on in Ennis!

Order Cheap Tramadol Online Hope you’re well and staying warm over there! Best, Jess Reply

Joe Moore December 10, 2013 at 10:37 Thanks so much for taking the time to write this…….appreciate it so much. With any luck, some folks will start paying more attention to how one of the most important fisheries in the West is managed.

enter site Well done. Reply

Fire Girl Jess December 11, 2013 at 07:40

follow url Couldn’t have done it without everyone who took the time to talk with me about it; including you, Joe. I hope it rattles some cages and gets people thinking. Thanks again for your help and patience.

enter Hope you are staying toasty back in Montana!

Take care, and Merry Christmas.


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