here The good guys over at Think Tank Photo sent over an advance notice on their holiday special for Fire Girl readers to take advantage of. Here’s the scoop: With this special offer you get a $50 rebate on their renowned rolling camera bags. And, should you order a roller plus one of their popular Urban Disguise shoulder bags you are eligible to receive a $100 rebate! And, to top this off you’ll receive free shipping not only on these items but on all Think Tank Photo gear! To partake of this special holiday offer simply click here and you’ll be directed to Think Tank’s roller page. There you will find a link you can click to download the rebate form. Really easy!
Tramadol Purchase Cod Think Tank’s rolling camera bags are renowned for being the best made, most innovative rollers available. Each comes with easily configurable inserts, innovative security measures, and Think Tank’s “No Rhetoric Warranty.” The rollers are sized so as to make it easier for you to roll your valuable photography gear onto airlines as carry on, as opposed to having to check it. The promo runs through the end of the year, and is certainly worth a gander if you’re in the market (or think you might be!) for a new bag. Think Tank knows their bags… I carry one every day.
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