Staging in Austin… and All the World’s a Stage

source url by Fire Girl Jess on December 16, 2013

South Congress Avenue, Austin.

get link South Congress Avenue, Austin.

go here I’m camped out in temporary quarters in Austin through the end of 2013.  Fittingly, it looks like I’ll be departing the land of cowboy boots and Texas twang for the great white north on the first day of the new year.  Days are filled with move logistics and preparations, flurries of phone calls / emails and the routine of day-to-day outdoor retail. And writing.  Lots of writing.  I find it hard to write when I’m in transition – a fault I’m working to improve upon.  This December is no exception, apparently.  Somehow I’m having a hard time making myself sit down and outline the next fly fishing investigative conservation piece (hint, hint… this one if going to be a biggie) but as soon as I put pen to paper the buzz starts and things happen. Damn, I love to write.

Overnight Tramadol Visa For better or worse, this has been a fascinating short stop in terms of people watching.  Austin folk are always interesting and rather eclectic, and as I drift between crowds of dirt bag rock climbers and the social elite (I in no way claim to be one of latter) it has been a fascinating study of people in general.  People playing out what they think they are, or want to be, in life. It very much makes one appreciate the genuine people, though they be few and far between.

see I did have one lady explaining to me today how she and her husband participate in this very elite thing called “fly fishing” and, though I obviously know nothing about it (as I’m holding my water bottle with Orvis and Headhunters stickers plastered on it) she needed pants to go under these things called waders.  And they needed to be pink (hers; though not sure about his.  It’s possible he would not object to pink).  Oh boy.  It was fascinating. And that’s my thought of the week.  Here are a few images of balmy Austin… I’m getting my flip flop time in while I can.Austin Tags: Random Bits

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