Long-time readers will well remember the “Dispatches From Craig” series that ran last year while I was working the season on the Missouri River in Montana. It was a hell of a season, in a hell of a place, and a hell of a time story and photo gathering with a hell of a gang.
There is still a larger project yet to come out of those dispatches. But more to come on that later.
So when I had the chance last week to step outside my roll of outdoor copywriter with The Orvis Company and run the 2015 fly-fishing photo shoot on the Missouri, I kept at the chance. I’d been involved in designing the campaign, and recruited the four models we were using. I knew the river.
So it kind of worked.
It was weird bring back in old haunts; working not as a photographer but as producer, story-gatherer, fixer and art director. It was a long week with little sleep to say the least.
I did get a chance to photograph a little bit during one of the videography days, a sampling of the results of which you can see here. Nice to be back shooting what I know and love.
And now, I’m back in Vermont for two weeks before heading to Birmingham, Alabama, and then two weeks after that to the International Fly Tackle Dealer Show in Orlando. Hoping to see some of you there.
Here’s to keeping busy… more to come.
Tags: Fishing
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Great to see Marley again. A border collie needs a job to do. Marley’s found the perfect one.
Bill Love – Standpoint Idaho
Marley did find the perfect one… keep Jake out of trouble. 😉 Or vice-versa. Some days it’s hard to tell.
Thanks, Bill. Hope you’re well.