Do It Now by Fire Girl Jess on August 30, 2014
Time flies... get it done. Bumping down central Montana backroads in early summer. Bumping down central Montana backroads in early summer.


go It’s the finale of summer. The three-day weekend before the realities of school and work and the fall routine settle into place. The tourist town of Manchester is humming, and the chatter among the women’s catalog team at work is this is the last weekend to viably wear white pants.

source I wouldn’t know… the closest thing I own to white pants is a faded pair of tan Carhartts.


Tramadol Orders At any rate, folks seem to be taking advantage of the pre-autumnal bliss and taking vacations, making grand weekend plans, and in general feeling a little itchy for some adventure. And while I can’t lay claim to the first two (vacation? What’s that?) I am indeed finding myself in need some adventure. Here’s hoping this weekend churns out more than the anticipated try-to-dig-myself-out-of-the-freelance-paperwork-hole-that-just-keeps-growing session. Couple of fun pieces about to come out, with a couple more assignments determined this week. Stay tuned.

Sporting clays at the Orvis Wingshooting School in Manchester, Vermont. Sporting clays at the Orvis Wingshooting School in Manchester, Vermont. I did manage to escape the office for two days this week, attending the Orvis Wingshooting School here in Manchester. The mission was to gather ideas and information to re-write the school’s copy, but an agreeable by-product was two days of shotgunning practice. (And spending two days with a stellar group of pretty damn awesome instructors… random moments included discussing bagpiping and talking both the high and low points of various Russian swear words.) I now have the nod of approval to go out for a quail hunt; something I’m eager to get on the books. It’s a whole new world, and I have the niggling feeling a few paychecks will be going toward the purchase of a shotgun this fall. In other news, starting on a large project right now that somewhat fits the attitude found in this quote:

enter “I’d just say to aspiring journalists or writers—who I meet a lot of—do it now. Don’t wait for permission to make something that’s interesting or amusing to you. Just do it now. Don’t wait. Find a story idea, start making it, give yourself a deadline, show it to people who’ll give you notes to make it better. Don’t wait till you’re older, or in some better job than you have now. Don’t wait for anything. Don’t wait till some magical story idea drops into your lap. That’s not where ideas come from. Go looking for an idea and it’ll show up. Begin now. Be a fucking soldier about it and be tough.   -Ira Glass For a few months now, I’ve been looking for something big to really sink my teeth into and run with. Seems like now is as good a time as any to start. Go start something awesome this weekend. Tags: Random Bits Tagged as: Ira Glass, Orvis, Orvis Wingshooting School, quote Previous post:

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