The Barest Hint of Color

get link by Fire Girl Jess on September 17, 2014

Signs of fall in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Signs of fall in the Green Mountains of Vermont.

The new FGP Subaru is learning the ropes.

Can I Order Tramadol Online Legally The new FGP Subaru is learning the ropes. Today was a good day. I wrote before even heading into the office, editing down a piece for a UK publication. Once in the office, I wrote some more. Attended meetings. Talked social media. Talked branding. Talked marketing strategy and planning. Drank lots of tea. Wrote a little more. Put out a few fires, and maybe lit one or two.

Tramadol 180 Tabs Online But the best part of the day? I took my camera. For the past several years, my camera has become an extension of my body. It went where I went. We camped rough in the deserts of south Texas. Explored and documented during a US Army nighttime infiltration course. Floated and fished countless rivers and waters and byways. We rode helicopters in Russia and stalked wolves in Yellowstone.

Order Tramadol Online Cod Overnight So, I realize when I say the camera came to the office with me, it sounds rather dull. Except it wasn’t. In a newfound bid to keep my sanity (or maybe find it, it’s still up for debate pending who you talk to) I’m working on a project this fall to document the little “odds and ends” here in Vermont. The little tidbits that often go unnoticed—the moss on a rock wall, the second-long glimpse of a lake through the trees as I bump along a dirt road. It’s more of a personal challenge than anything, but I needed another long-term project to work on.

source link And so.

Tramadol Visa Today’s lunchtime jaunt into the hills surrounding the office was the first of many. Looking forward to the color of fall and all the adventures it brings. In other news, I’m working the weekend in the Hudson River Valley, photographing the Orvis Game Fair at Sandanona. If you are there, look for the girl with the camera and say hi. The next weekend will be spend fishing, photographing, and exploring on the Ausable River and the Adirondacks. Yee-haw.
McGlothlin_fall_scout-7 Tags: Scenes Tagged as: color, fall, foliage, photography, scenic, Vermont

Tramadol Online Fast Delivery { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Les Kish September 18, 2014 at 00:15

source url Those little “tidbits” add up, don’t they Jess. Hint of fall here too. This evening, the Rocky Mountain maples along the upper Gallatin were already tinged gold. Reply

Fire Girl Jess September 18, 2014 at 19:04 They most definitely do, Les. And it helps me keep sane in the interim. 😉 Damn, you’re making me homesick. Nothing like fall in the West. Get some fishing in for me, please!

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