Fall Advances

see by Fire Girl Jess on October 9, 2014


follow url Fall_VT-3 2Fall is here in full force. It’s brisk and breezy and I’m currently swathed in my beat-up Patagonia Nano Puff and a scarf. And I have a sudden, rather explicable urge to swing streamers. It’s been a busy week thus far; here’s a brief hit list:

  • Fishing at least once a day. Can report lots of lovely little brookies.
  • Writing for most hours of the day. Whether at Orvis or at home, new projects keep popping up and I found myself whacking out 1,000 words for a freelance piece before even leaving for the office this morning (coffee is a wonderful, wonderful thing, and I’ve learned I can type with one hand and down oatmeal with the other).
  • New travel on the horizon. More details to come later.
  • Foliage is moving from yellow to orange. I find this strangely exciting as it now almost looks like the hills are smoldering. Some subliminal part of my mind keeps looking for a helitack crew to crest the treeline.
  • Rediscovering my love/hate relationship with landscape photography (see previous point).
  • Discovered a tv show character (I have to listen to something when processing images at midnight, and while I don’t have a television, Netflix can be lovely background noise) who used the words “malfeasance” and “gumption” in the same conversation. Think I found a new (and fictional) best friend.

go to link And that about wraps up the week. I’m working on a plethora of projects that will be hitting the magazine circuit this winter and the coming spring, and thoroughly enjoying having the hard-hitting journalist hat on for a while. Gotta have a little fun once and a while.Fall_VT-210352391_10152713755594827_7258312637295034481_n


https://www.elevators.com/11ao70d Tags: Fire Girl Photography


go to link Tagged as: fall, fishing, life, scenic, Vermont

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