Belize in Black and White

by Fire Girl Jess on December 7, 2014

Joseph, from Orvis Adventures, logs a bit of casting practice at El Pescador.

Joseph, from Orvis Adventures, logs a bit of casting practice at El Pescador.

After the vivid, memory-searing colors of Belize—even underneath the persistent rain and dreary conditions we had for much for the trip, the colors managed to pop—it’s been a a bit of a shock to come back to the land of brown and white here in Vermont. It’s made me take a deep breath, reassure myself that winter is alway tough and it’s about time I up my snow photography game anyway, and plan some upcoming trips.

That doesn’t mean I’ve not enjoyed delving through the colors found in the Belize edit. The images have gone to a wide variety of clients, including Orvis, El Pescador, and a host of editorial partners. I’m excited to see them start coming to print and web in the near future (more to come on that.)

As I look through the edit, though, I’ve been stunned by a few images that simply demand black and white. Sometimes the subject is too strong, the lines too bold, to worry about color. They demand a more direct approach.

So head on over to Chi Wulff to see a few B&W selects from the Belize edit.

And a huge thanks to everyone who made this trip possible—especially Orvis and the entire, lovely team at El Pescador. It was an incredible experience, and I look forward to the next time I make it to the flats off Ambergris Caye.

These locals were waiting for the rain to abate before they could go work at the dock, repairing boats.

These locals were waiting for the rain to abate before they could go work at the dock, repairing boats.

Tags: Travel

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