Vermont Chronicles on Chi Wulff: The Hoth Update

follow link by Fire Girl Jess on February 22, 2015

The Tetons in all their glory. Sage, mountains, and good light. I need nothing else. The Tetons in all their glory.

see The blog has been quiet this week; my apologies. Between writing an exorbitant amount at work (ah, copywriter life) and doing final work on a few pieces slated out in the coming months, the blog has been just chillin’.

Tramadol Order Online Overnight To make up for it, I promise there will be a multitude of articles and photo essays out in magazines near you very soon. In the meantime, be sure to take a gander at the latest Vermont Chronicles over at Chi Wulff.

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source site I’m busy lining up trips for the coming year—teaching both photography and fly-fishing on the Delaware River in early April (if you’re in the area, come visit!), heading to Montana later that month (I cannot begin to explain my excitement and happiness over a visit home), and then lining up some NE striper trips for May/June. Working on more trips later in the year. It’s mostly work travel—the camera will be close at hand, and the Moleskine in my pocket—but I am so damn ready for a trip.

go to link So, here’s to the open road. Tags: Vermont Chronicles Tagged as: blog, Chi Wulff, mountains, photography, travel, Vermont Chronicles, West, winter

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Jim February 22, 2015 at 13:17

Tramadol Overnight Paypal Jess, I’ve been ready many of your articles in the fly fishing industry since your days at headhunters and now from VT. I’ve been seeing an increase in the artists producing work associated with the fishing industry. As you know, there are many art pieces from Deyoung at Isaak’s in Craig. any chance you could write an article on the growing arts for the flyfishing industry? I’m seeing more advertising in various publications for each artist’s work so maybe there would be enough of an interest for research, photos, and an article from you. Just a thought. Reply

Fire Girl Jess February 24, 2015 at 18:33

Tramadol Cheap Online Hi Jim, that’s a fantastic idea. The more I travel in the industry, the more incredible artwork I see from genuinely fish-savvy and fish-loving folks. I’ll definitely put some thought to that… thanks for sharing the idea. It’s a good one. Reply Previous post:

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