Are You #PublicLandsProud?

enter site by Fire Girl Jess on September 4, 2015


Tramadol Medication Online Public lands. We play on them, make memories on them, and sometimes chase away our demons on them. The simple act of getting outside is one of the best things we have going for us as humans, and often it’s easy to under appreciate those wide-open spaces. The good folks over at the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership were kind enough to ask me to be the fishing category judge for their #PublicLandsProud photo contest. It’s easy to enter—read more about the contest here. Get outside this weekend. Play, recreate, spend time with family and friends in big spaces. Go play… it’s something we don’t do nearly enough. And hashtag it up… I’ll be watching for pictures!

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Tramadol Online Price Tagged as: #PublicLandsProud, contest, media, photo contest, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, TRCP

click { 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Diane September 10, 2015 at 07:05 Hi, Great pictures, great blog. Thanks for the information on #publiclandsproud. Diane

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Fire Girl Jess September 11, 2015 at 08:26

go site Thanks for stopping by Diane!

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Michael Zimmer September 12, 2015 at 10:10

Tramadol Prices Online I grew up in south Louisiana. A great place for you to photograph and fish is Marsh Island. It’s a wildlife refuge sitting on the south end of Vermillion Bay. Entering the island by boat on the north side and working your way through, it opens up to the Gulf of Mexico. The island is home to some of the best redfish and speckled trout, bluepoint crabs, alligator, sea bird, and hundreds of other kinds of wildlife, for a photographer and fisherman.
Of course you can’t stay on the island so the trip across the bay is necessary just to get back to shelter. Afternoon thunderstorms are intense and the bay gets very rough and choppy. But for a girl that lives in the bush in Alaska I’m sure that’s no hill to climb. And you won’t have to worry about brown bears. Reply

Fire Girl Jess September 13, 2015 at 09:04

enter site Sounds amazing, Michael! I’ve yet to make it down to Louisiana, but have heard amazing things and everyone I meet from down there is awesome. Keen to explore the redfish fisheries. Sadly, I don’t live in the bush in Alaska… I only get to go visit now and again. 😉 But I’m a Montana kid so big spaces are home.

Discount Tramadol Online Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy the Gulf. Pretty special place!

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