see Incredibly excited to see the first images from my French Polynesia trip with Costa and IndiFly this past May come to print. It was the trip of a lifetime… the stuff you’d expect to read about in a book or see in a movie. Expansive flats that had barely seen sport fishing. Kids that had never seen Americans. We threw spears with the locals, stomped away sharks on the flats, and canvassed the little atoll of Anaa for bonefish, bluefin trevally, and a host of other species. An incredible, capable team in an incredible, wild, beautiful place—I couldn’t have asked for a better assignment.
get link More images will be coming out soon in Costa’s dealer catalog, on social media, and in a few carefully-chosen magazines around the globe. I’ve yet to be able to track down a copy of The Fly Fish Journal article yet here in Vermont, but was able to read writer Joel Clement’s manuscript before print, and was thrilled with his evocative, intimate writing. Huge thanks to the crew at IndiFly and Costa Del Mar for having me on the trip, and to The Fly Fish Journal for running the feature. India Online Tags: Publications Tagged as: Anaa, Costa del Mar, fishing, fly fishing, French Polynesia, Indifly, photography, The Fly Fish Journal, travel { 2 comments… read them below or add one }
Order Tramadol Online Cod Badass. The best photography in that mag is by a chick.
go to link Ha, thanks. I’m flattered, though certainly don’t know about the best. Some incredibly solid work in there by some really great guys.
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