watch It’s been a busy couple weeks here in Bozeman, and with nearly a foot of new snow on the ground it’s beginning, as they say, to look a lot like Christmas. The new year is shaping up with some interesting projects, and I’m ever-so-grateful for the awesome clients, editors, and anglers I get to work with on a daily basis. (Thanks, guys!)
go site In the past week, a familiar image rolled out in a Patagonia email, Costa continued to utilize more images from our trip to Anaa, French Polynesia this summer, and Aurora images just featured a shot from a spring Orvis shoot in their email today. Thanks to everyone who makes this work possible!
source site Tags: Publications site Tagged as: Aurora Images, Costa del Mar, Jess McGlothlin Media, Patagonia, published { 1 comment… read it below or add one } Bloody fucking awesome. Nice to see a woman killing it in this business.
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