The network is rapidly expanding; 2016 is off to a fantastic start. It was such a pleasure to run into folks at the Denver show this past weekend — thanks to all of you who came looking for a chat. I’m excited to announce a partnership with Global Rescue, a company who specializes in travel risk and crisis management. I’ve traveled under Global Rescue memberships for several years now, and always rest a little easier knowing if something happened help will be on the way. I’ve had great interactions with the team, and look forward to developing the partnership.
source linkenter Off to Cuba on Thursday to shoot for Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures; back in Bozeman for a few days at the end of the month before heading to the Somerset, New Jersey. Look forward to saying hi to some East Coast friends! Tags: Business
Order Tramadol 180 Codsource Tagged as: Global Rescue, partnership, photography, travel { 2 comments… read them below or add one } here So you’ll be in Cuba on your birthday? Sounds like an adventure! I was back the day before, so able to spend it with family. All the better. 🙂 Hope you two are well.