follow url Finally getting images from Cuba sent in all different directions; to clients and editors around and about. We fit in a lot — three locations in six days — and it was run-and-gun. I had a total of about three hours to shoot around Havana, and readily look forward to getting back to that city and really taking the time to make images. As rushed as it was, here are a few shots of streets, buildings, people, and a random cat who was — at least in his own mind — a bad hombre. Tags: Travel
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Order Tramadol Online Usa Thank you for posting the photo’s it brings back so many fond memories,spent a few days before and after fishing from the Tortuga wandering around Havana,evening strolls on the Malecon meeting some wonderful people practicing their english,and me my few words of Spanish,my fishing partner was better at it than I, hope you some free time to do the same
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