“ Sometimes taking the road less traveled does make all the difference.
Discount Tramadol Online Perhaps the great Western writer Zane Grey said it best when he penned the words “I need this wild life, this freedom.” One can only imagine the literary giant was speaking of the unbroken Western lands he so loved to capture on paper. The West isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s big sweeping places, stark mountains rising to kiss the clouds, endless sagebrush ranges dotted with herds of grazing bison and elk. It’s rushing rivers, so crystal clear you can see the rocks lying beneath, rocks that have been there for ages past and have seen the settlement of this rugged country. It’s weather that can change in the blink of an eye; smoky, hot summers and dark, cold winters. It’s a hard land, one that breeds people equally suited to the harshness of the landscape.”
here Happy to see this story shared again over on the Adventure Travel Trade Association‘s website! This was a fantastic shoot for Orvis with friends old and new, through some of my favorite territory in the West.
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Tramadol Cheap Online Tagged as: Adventure Travel Trade Association, Adventure.Travel, ATTA, girls, Montana, Road Trip, West, Wyoming, Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park { 2 comments… read them below or add one }
follow url What quality writing. I’m a saltwater lover, but you’ve made me want to explore Montana.
go to link Permit_Addict, it’s well worth the trip! I’ve fallen hard in love with the saltwater too, but sometimes I get the itch for trout and mountains!