Avoiding the Big Rivers: Summertime

https://dcinematools.com/92d2xjah by Fire Girl Jess on July 25, 2017

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https://geolatinas.org/8facqg7n6 I’m usually not one for crowds. Give me a good group of small people and I’m happy; a big group of obnoxious people and I’m out of there. So summertime in southwest Montana presents significant challenges: if I want to go hit my favorite coffee shop downtown, I go at 7AM while the tourists are still sleeping it off. Hiking any of the trails near town involves a heavy amount of eye-rolling, and I’ll never cease to be amazed at the bad pickup lines in bars from guys just looking to “have a fun vacation.”

follow It also translates to the rivers. The Gallatin, Madison, Yellowstone and many other larger rivers in the area become a veritable bumper-car scenario of recreational floaters and anglers. Rather than battle the crowds, it’s nice to hoof it up into the mountains, jump off the trail and get into the creeks. I had the chance yesterday to go play with my awesome sister-in-law Kaitlyn on a nearby creek. It was small but oh-so-cold water, and we both emerged with scrapes on our legs from bushwhacking, plenty of fish to hand and happy grins on our faces. There’s something soul-happy about casting three-weight fiberglass rods to small eager trout in icy cold water.

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