It’s been a hectic few weeks here in Big Sky Country. Changes are afoot — good ones, stay tuned for more! — and my default mode to manage stress apparently involves too much time at the gym, unhealthy amounts of coffee and knocking out a large amount of writing assignments. It’s all good; 2017 has been an interesting year and the final few months of the year are promising to be even more interesting. That said, sometimes it’s important to get outside and away from it all. In preparation for the opening of rifle season, spent a windy (but blissfully sunny) afternoon with my brother out in Paradise Valley last week sighting in rifles and getting in a bit of target practice. It’s always been oddly soothing, and breathing exercises — whether they’re in the yoga studio or looking down a rifle scope — are helpful when they world’s seemingly sprinting a million miles an hour. I left the cameras at home, just wanting to enjoy a bit of down time, but ended up snagging a couple of iPhone photos (with my dinosaur iPhone 5) of the autumn color. A friend has been nagging me on the importance of taking a bit of mental “down time,” and it’s an interesting thought. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the mindset of trying to jam in everything possible into every waking hour, especially in freelance life. If I don’t work, I don’t get paid, it’s as simple as that… there’s no showing up tired to work one day and simply coasting though without really doing much. So I’m working on the idea of blocking out at least one afternoon a week to step away from the computer, leave the camera in the Pelican case, and getting away from work. Easier said than done. At this point, airplane rides are my down time (who else loves to fly simply for the uninterrupted reading and movie-watching?). Early morning gym sessions are also gloriously uninterrupted thinking time, and it’s easier to climb out of bed in the darkness if I know I’ve got an hour to myself of just thinking (and sweating) time.
see url Churning through writing / editing a catalog project for a client (working on catalogs always feels like coming home, somehow) early this week, then heading out to the Northeast for a two-day business trip. Then back to Bozeman for a few weeks, and maybe a bit of fall hunting / fishing / image-making. Stay tuned.
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