Tramadol Online Prescription We’re nearly to December (how did that happen, anyway?) and I’ve been sorting through a bevy of images for contest entry season. It’s always an interesting exercise to go back through the past year’s trips and publications, reflect on how the hell did we pull that off, think of good times with solid people and just be grateful for the ability to be able to do this weird career. Somehow the 70-hour workweeks seem oh-so-worth it when I step back and think about the people I’ve met along the way!
go site As days shorten (it got dark before 5PM today here in Montana after an icy day), it’s easy to daydream about warm summer days. Long evening cruises on the SUP, dry fly fishing, flip-flops and tank tops sound mighty fine right now, but I’ll snuggle in my down coat, drink a load more coffee and keep on pressing through paperwork.
here Seasons. Both in nature and in our work.
source Want to follow along on new adventures and see some old gems from shoots past? Follow along on Instagram!
follow Tags: Random Bits Tagged as: BOTE, Hyalite, lake, Montana, seasons, stand-up paddleboard, summer, SUP
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