go Thrilled to see this piece hit the streets, and in Fieldsports’ storied holiday “fireside” issue. I had an incredible trip venturing to Hokkaido this past October to document the emerging fly-fishing scene in this rural, cultured land. Huge thanks to everyone on the ground in Japan who helped make this possible — I look forward to venturing back to this incredible place some day, rod in hand! here Part of the beauty of travel is the way it reminds us of universal constants:
Order Tramadol Discount Some truths are quite simple. One I learned along ago, is that fishermen, regardless of the language they speak or if they ply their trade in fresh or saltwater, are truly the same the world around. One rainy morning, I find myself in the backseat of a Toyota, Nofuji and Takada talking quietly in Japanese in the front as we trail a military convoy through the countryside. We stop at a countryside pit toilet for a break and, after a stroll around, I look back to see both men peering over the edge of a bridge down the road, looking into the river below. I laugh, realizing it’s a familiar sight I’ve now seen on several continents. Regardless of language, regardless of location, fishermen will always look to the water. Read the full piece on my website.
enter Tags: Fishing, Publications, Travel Tagged as: char, documentary, expedition, Fieldsports, fishing, fly fishing, golden char, Hokkaido, Japan, Lake Akan, magazine, photography, publication, travel, U.K., writing { 2 comments… read them below or add one } So true!! Great article!! Keep up the great work! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Looking forward to your writings in 2018!! Cheers,thanks Ray!
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