Cuba Feature for RootsRated: Molasses Air

by Fire Girl Jess on April 12, 2018

Another travel feature just went live on RootsRated; a companion photography essay will be published in the coming few days. This was an interesting trip —a hustle through Cuba while on a fly-fishing travel assignment — but I will forever be grateful for the quiet, non-angling moments in small towns along the way, and the heavy smell of molasses on humid Caribbean air.

Molasses Air: Stepping Off the Beaten Path in Cuba

The late afternoon sun dissolves into a steamy haze as the beat-up old car trundles down the pockmarked road into the little village of Brasil, roughly 280 miles southeast of Havana. I poke my head out the window, taking a deep breath of heavy, molasses-scented air and watch local school children head home, laughing as they make their way down the quiet streets of the town.

The ride from Cuba’s lively capital city has taken nearly all day; my driver and I started in the early morning hours, and now it’s nearly dinnertime…

Give it a read and let me know what you think! Or browse though some of the commercial assignment work from this shoot for a taste of the full Cuban experience.

Tags: Publications, Travel

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Victor M April 17, 2018 at 12:19

Great write up the question I have did ya get fish ? I had the joy of tagging along on the first part of non fishing project in and around Havana (2001) then a week of fishing the flats around Jardines de la Reina, been to the Bahamas, Yucatan , nothing compares to Cuba


Fire Girl Jess April 20, 2018 at 08:12

It’s an exceptional fishery! Grand slams, and a few truly exceptional days that went down in the books.


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