Reporting on Swedish Lapland

by Fire Girl Jess on July 28, 2018

Jess McGlothlin Media. Underwater image of a grayling in a river in Lapland, Sweden, caught while fly fishing.

Grayling doings its thing at Tjuonajokk.

Just back from Swedish Lapland, on an assignment with Swedish Lapland Tourism, and am working through an edit. The majority of these images will stay quiet until published (some cool stories coming your way soon!) but I had to leak a few here in the blog.

The best quote of the shoot goes to Ted, a videographer with Swedish Lapland, who commented succinctly after yet another night of very little sleep, “I would drop some bodies for an ice cream.”

We were able, later in the day, to find an ice cream.

Some interesting new adventures and shoots in the works… stay tuned for more!

Grayling dorsal fin with light shining through on river. Jess McGlothlin Media.

Playing with light and color on the water.

The dock and harbor at Tjuonajokk, Fish Your Dream, Swedish Lapland. Jess McGlothlin Media photograph.

The dock and sauna at Tjuonajokk camp.

Jess McGlothlin Media. Camp life and buildings. Tjuonajokk camp, Swedish Lapland.

Camp life at Tjuonajokk.

A woman and two men fish for pike in Swedish Lapland in morning sunlight at boat. Jess McGlothlin Media.

Early-morning pike fishing means breakfast and gear sorting on the water.

Jess McGlothlin Media. Three men carry young birch cuttings back to camp at Guenja Sami Ecolodge, Swedish Lapland.

Carrying young birch cuttings back to camp at Guenja.

Tags: Fishing, Travel

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