Sometimes fly-fishing and the pursuit of stories takes us to unusual places. I’ve spent the past week on Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan, fly fishing and making images. The fishery is extremely healthy and productive, the scenery stunning and the people friendly. Despite a typhoon, an earthquake and the impending threat of missiles from North Korea (it was that kind of week) it was a productive, fun trip and I’m excited to pull notes and images together into stories! Look for full-fledged stories coming soon in Australia’s FlyLife Magazine and the U.K.’s Fieldsports, but for now here are a few grainy behind-the-scenes shots from the old iPhone.

click Dusk long exposures over Lake Akan.

see The essentials. { 4 comments } 
enter site Several summers ago I found wandering the streets of New York by myself, camera bag hooked over my shoulder. My steps led me to the 9/11 site and what I thought was a few minutes quickly turned into a few hours.
enter site This image is a little soft, a little shaky — I was a little shaky. And somehow it fits. I was 13 when the towers fell, and promptly was written up in school for leaving a class campout in Glacier National Park to go listen to President Bush address the nation. It had been a bad fire year — somewhat reminiscent of this one, 16 years later — and an exhausted hotshot crew was parked across the road, standing around their rig listening to the address. They didn’t mind a ranch kid from Kalispell joining in to listen… and somehow the ash and smoke in the air from our wildfires matched the mood.
here Take a moment today to reflect. { 0 comments }
click by Fire Girl Jess on August 22, 2017 It’s such a pleasure to be represented by Aurora Photos; their team is doing a great job of offering up resources for photographers and photo buyers / editors alike. When they reached out recently for several business-based Instagram tips, I was happy to share a few. My Instagram is an ever-evolving process… I’m always learning what people like (and don’t like) and trying to share those realistic, behind-the-scenes moments that makes the all happen. Below are my tips for Aurora; read the rest of this feature on their site here.
see url Look Outside Your Immediate Target Audience. I specialize in fly-fishing and outdoor adventure travel, but I’ve seen an increase in fitness and general travel followers when I tailor a post to less-technical viewers. A fun one-liner with a post about my favorite sandals for airplane rides? That’s guaranteed to land a few new followers outside my normal “dude with a beard and a fly rod” genre.
follow site Tell Stories. An image is worth a thousand words, as they say. When someone is flipping through their feed, I want the image to make them stop and look deeper. It’s a tenet of strong photography, and it’s important here too. Instagram is a great tool of escapism… enable that a bit; let people into the story. They’ll respond. Let People into Your World. Adding a ten-second video into your feed once in a while allows viewers to feel like they’re behind the scenes. In the past few months I shot iPhone videos of helicopters landing on rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, people passing through the Lima airport at 1AM and a team bumping along a backcountry road in the Amazon jungle while dodging bamboo overgrowth. Video is a fantastic tool to relate to your audience… show that it’s not all fun and glory and good times! Sometimes the job is sleeping on airport floors, dealing with infected wounds and burning time on long car rides. Let’s not be afraid to talk about that!
get link { 0 comments }

click here Foxy the trout dog keeping watch during a summer backcountry trip.
go site Somehow we’re into August — just where did summer go, exactly? — and I’ve been making the most of a few weeks back in Montana. Spring and early summer was mostly spent on the road, and finally I find myself back in Big Sky country for a little while, waking to smoke-scented skies and that late summer haze.
source link One benefit of being home for a stint is there’s nothing keeping me from getting up with the sun, getting gym and work done early, and heading up into the mountains for a bit of recreation. While the hills around Bozeman are lousy with tourists and yuppies, there are still some places where it’s possible to escape the crowds. I’ve been loading up the stand-up paddleboard for a bit of evening fishing, logging mileage on evening hikes and exploring a few backcountry creeks brimming with healthy populations of cutthroat trout.
source site Along the way, I find I keep reaching for the same gear over and over again. It’s the same when I’m traveling — I find basics that I can trust, and use them repeatedly until they run out or literally begin to disintegrate (it’s been known to happen). This is a non-photo gear list… this is for all the general outdoor folks looking for gear that “gets it done.” Here are a few things I’ve been reaching for again and again this summer: 
- BOTE Breeze Stand-up Paddleboard. Water makes me happy, and any excuse to spend more time on (or in) it is a worthy endeavor. This inflatable SUP has been strapped to the roof of my Subaru at least three days a week, and is proving to be a fun, stable platform for either recreational touring or fishing. Last week I managed a breezy downwind run on a local lake, aiming the board to run with the wind and fishing as the wind pushed me. Effective and fun… though the paddle back up-wind was a workout. (It also proved to be a stable carrier for a YETI Tundra stocked with beer while floating with a group of visiting guides from Alphonse last week.)
This has been my year of the SUP, apparently, with a Peruvian Amazon SUP expedition this May and then a SUP bass fishing multi-day in June with Mia Sheppard from Oregon’s Little Creek Outfitters. I’m excited to see what further adventures we undertake… the board folds up to fit inside a backpack, so I foresee many flights to tropical locales in the future!
- SealLine’s Blocker Dry Sacks (in the photo above) have made life on the SUP easy… I just throw what I need in the bag, clip it to the SUP, and go. The 15-liter size is perfect for sunscreen, my wallet and keys, and a snack, and the white color doesn’t heat up like a dark-shaded sack would. I have total faith in SealLine’s welded-seam construction (read: no worries when I catch an edge on the SUP and flood my board), and it folds up small enough to fit in my pocket, making it a no-brainer for travel.
- Zinka Clear Zinc Oxide Face Stick: Blame the fact I’m turning 30 this winter, but I’ve finally realized that red-level sunburns are not the healthiest thing around, and I’d better act like an adult and up my sunscreen game. After a long search of looking for a zinc-heavy product, this 50 SPF Zinka formula goes on fairly clear and gets the job done. As a bonus, the twist-up applicator means I can put it on without worrying about sunscreen gunk getting on my hands and then the cameras!

- Alpine Start instant coffee. When a couple boxes of these instant coffee sticks showed up in my mailbox, I was intrigued. For years I’ve been lugging around the Starbucks Via instant coffee sticks; they’re a great way to ensure I’ve got access to daily caffeine (important when I’m working) and easy to share with fellow travelers. (A guide in Alaska several years ago put me onto the trick that you can just shoot down the powder… not ideal but gets the job done for long days on the water!)
- YETI Rambler Tumbler in seafoam (’cause color, you know). Speaking of coffee; the YETI Rambler is my morning go-to coffee mug. It’s then washed and left to dry by the sink, only to be picked up hours later for it for a lunch or dinner smoothie. Easy to clean, insulating (no more wrapping dish towels around my smoothie cups!) and pretty darn cute, it gets daily use when I’m home in Montana and usually ends up traveling with me on the road as well.
The Magslider lid means I can dash out the door with a full mug and not worry about losing the majority of my daily caffeine intake to the interior of my Subaru. Bonus: it doesn’t get too funky if I forget to wash it and it spends an afternoon in the car… or a week, as evidenced when I downed coffee on the way to a recent flight and then left the cup in the car. Alpine Start’s Original Blend is a comfortable medium roast that’s not overly acidic, and is quite good even just black — critical for travel! The little packets can easily fit into a packet or camera bag, ensuring easy caffeine consumption regardless of the circumstances.

- Summertime means I want as little get as possible to lug around (it’s hot out) and versatility is key. The Loon Rogue Quickdraw Forceps have become part of my summer arsenal; the cushy grip doesn’t slide around if my hands are wet or sweaty, and the scissor / flat geometric jaw hemos get the job done when changing flies, releasing fish that have taken the fly deep, or even fixing that runaway strap on my camera pack. And the carabiner finger loop means I can clip them anywhere – pant loop, camera bag, sling pack…
- Keeping on the theme of simplicity, the Helly Hansen Sensei Singlet has become my new favorite gym / SUP tank top. The easy fit and breathable fabric let me focus on the job at hand, whether that’s sneaking a cast to that lurking cutthroat or logging miles on the trail. (It packs to practically nothing, too.)

Photo courtesy Patagonia.
- Those who know me, know that I practically live in an ancient teal-colored Patagonia Nano Puff. That jacket’s been around the world in the past five years, and has the wear-and-tear to show for it. Duct tape patches periodically take up residence on the threadbare elbows, and it’s got more than one rip from fly barbs and general travel. Suffice to say, I feel I’ve gotten my money’s worth out of the jacket.
That’s why I was so stoked to have a new Tough Puff Hoody from Patagonia arrive a few weeks ago. An angler’s upgrade to the original Nano Puff series, the Tough Puff fits just a bit better than my old Nano (longer in the sleeves and the waist, which means it’ll stay put under waders) and features a two large chest pockets that will soon be filled with small fly boxes, lens caps, and other random items of the trade. Bonus? S follow link tretchy fabric. That makes me happy… no doubt this jacket will log some serious miles in the seasons to come. (Is there such a thing as a jacket passport?)
- Little known fact: a long time ago, I sold hiking
and hunting footwear in an outdoor store. Shoes are always something I’m keen on, and I’ve been eyeballing the Olukai ‘Ohana flips for years; this spring I finally broke down and bought a pair. There’s a reason you see people who own Olukai own more than one pair… the sandals are functional (non-marking and uber-grippy) and the sole is like an orthotic. Comfy and functional for the win… these are my go-to. This past week they went from meetings in Los Angeles to the river in less than twenty-four hours, rocking both circumstances in the plane rides in between with admirable comfort.
*** Full disclosure, some of these items have been sent my way, others I’ve paid hard-earned money for. At the end of the day, they’re all products I’d buy again and recommend to friends!
by Fire Girl Jess on August 3, 2017
Big thanks to the gang at Outdoor Hub for including me on their list of 7 Badass Outdoor Women to Follow on Instagram! Here’s what they had to say about my work:
source link Jess McGlothlin
It’s about the journey, not the destination. Jess McGlothlin captures the essence of this philosophy through her travel photography. She stays so focused on capturing these images that you’ll rarely see her step out from behind the lens. Many popular outdoor figures tend to focus on that glory shot, holding the trophy fish above the water’s surface, or basking in the full realm of emotions after a successful hunt. However, very few of them capture the little moments that build up to that pinnacle of the outing —a YETI cooler and a case of rods on their way to checked baggage; the rainbow of colored thread carefully displayed at the local fly shop; a pelican perched on a pylon; and the moment of anticipation when a hook is being baited, or a fly is being tied to the line.

Jess has taken text and photography both to task, with a large collection of contributions for print publications, calendars, websites, advertisements and travel guides. McGlothlin is as much a journalist as an angler, creating a visual with words and images like a modern-day lady Hemingway. Her website serves as a platform for her writing, imagery and media contributions. Check it out!”
As someone who are up reading The Sun Also Rises and For Whom the Bell Tolls, being likened to a “modern-day lady Hemingway” is heady praise. Thanks for the mention, Outdoor Hub!
by Fire Girl Jess on July 25, 2017

I’m usually not one for crowds. Give me a good group of small people and I’m happy; a big group of obnoxious people and I’m out of there. So summertime in southwest Montana presents significant challenges: if I want to go hit my favorite coffee shop downtown, I go at 7AM while the tourists are still sleeping it off. Hiking any of the trails near town involves a heavy amount of eye-rolling, and I’ll never cease to be amazed at the bad pickup lines in bars from guys just looking to “have a fun vacation.”
It also translates to the rivers. The Gallatin, Madison, Yellowstone and many other larger rivers in the area become a veritable bumper-car scenario of recreational floaters and anglers. Rather than battle the crowds, it’s nice to hoof it up into the mountains, jump off the trail and get into the creeks. I had the chance yesterday to go play with my awesome sister-in-law Kaitlyn on a nearby creek. It was small but oh-so-cold water, and we both emerged with scrapes on our legs from bushwhacking, plenty of fish to hand and happy grins on our faces. There’s something soul-happy about casting three-weight fiberglass rods to small eager trout in icy cold water.
(These are all shot on my aged-but-still-kicking iPhone 5; the “good” images go into the database.)

by Fire Girl Jess on July 22, 2017
Really happy to see this piece come to life on major travel lifestyle AFAR. May’s expedition with Apumayo Expediciones was one of the best water-based adventures I’ve had to date — thanks to the Peruvian team who made it happen!
Here’s an excerpt; read the full piece on
“The air is hot and heavy in the Peruvian Amazon, and when I take a deep breath it tastes of plants, decay, and sweat. Hot sub-tropical sun falls on my back as I trail my toes through the chocolate-brown water. Sweat drips down my face, and an ambitious sand fly lands on my neck, defying the layers of DEET I’ve applied in the hours since dawn. I slap it away and watch the water ahead as we seek out the best path for the SUP boarders trailing us.
I’m in the middle of the Amazon, floating down one of its several tributaries on this once-in-a-lifetime experience thanks to Pepe Lopez. The founder of Cuzco-based Apumayo Expediciones, Lopez is our fearless leader on this expedition. On the surface, our mission is simple: to explore rivers near and in Peru’s Manu National Park to determine if it would be feasible to create a stand-up paddle board (SUP) adventure tourism program to showcase the area and the river.”