source site 11700881_10153398378149454_4979711669113380883_o Montana folks, join me for a meet-and-greet during the September Art Walk! View a collection of fly fishing, Western, and travel imagery — the images will be on display at Wild Joe’s Coffee House throughout the month of September.

Order Tramadol Mexico Friday, September 9, 2016   6-8 PM Wild Joe’s Coffee House, 18 W. Main, Bozeman, Montana A signature drink will be served, and rumor has it there will be some quality music as well!

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source site FTJ_Fall_2016_Cover copyIt’s always fun to partner with publications I haven’t worked with before, and I’m grateful the folks at Flyfishing & Tying Journal decided to go big for our first collaboration. The fall issue is just hitting the shelves, and I was beyond thrilled to see friend and resident badass West Yellowstone guide Alice Owsley of Riverside Anglers land on the cover! For those who don’t know Alice, she’s a top-notch guide, outfitter, angler, speaker, and just all-around good gal. When I was living in the Northeast she provided a valuable link back here to Montana (we’d run into each other at trade shows and exchange news). She’s fishy as hell; anyone wanting to fish in the greater Yellowstone area should give her a call.

go to site Late last fall, once I was back home in Montana, Alice was kind enough to get out for a day to goof off and fish a bit with myself and Bozeman friend Reba. Good times were had — air guitars and big brown trout — and we celebrated the end of the season before winter truly settled in. Inside the magazine, you can find a long feature photo essay, generally featuring women in fishing. I’m always excited to see friends, old and new, in print. The best part about this job is the people you meet along the way… and, boy, have there been some random meetings.

see Thanks to the folks at the Flyfishing & Tying Journal  for the collaboration!

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YETI: Falling Off the Edge of the Map in Samoa

source by Fire Girl Jess on July 31, 2016

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Three months after the project was shot, I’m thrilled to see this piece go live with YETI. The trip to Samoa was… interesting, but we made the most of tough circumstances. Huge shout out to Jonathan, who explored the island with me, and to the folks at YETI for being willing to run a story that’s “less than glamorous”. The truth is, a lot of time in the field is uncomfortable. It’s hot, tiring, sweaty, dirty, long hours with not a lot of sleep. It’s hauling heavy gear miles and miles, and swimming in waters you’re not quite sure about. Sometimes, it’s not really fun. That’s the side — the reality — that’s not told very much. Kudos to the folks at YETI for not being afraid to tell it as it is. Head on over to the YETI site and give it a read!

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watch Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 1.09.54 PM { 0 comments } 13710044_10154294886834454_957875593215909599_nTrading out the travel bags again tonight. Life on the road is once again becoming more home than “home” is, and it’s a funny reality that settles into something new every day. Planes, cars, new places, and new friends. Since the last post I’ve been up on assignment for Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures shooting with Linehan Outfitting Company on northwest Montana’s Kootenai River, working / networking / seeing friends / making new ones at the International Fly Tackle Dealer Show in Orlando (and logging a bit of warm water fishing in Florida), and now I’m packing once again for a horse packing  fishing trip in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness here in Montana, again on assignment with Yellow Dog. Basically, it’s a lot of coffee, a lot of emails, and a bit of sleep somewhere in the midst. Yesterday, managed a “sanity” hike to take advantage of one of my few days here in Bozeman; a leisurely hike (top image) turned into a half-day blitz and alpine climbs. Good for the soul.

here The assignment up on the Kootenai was something special… that’s home country for me, and very different compared to the rest of Montana. Tim and Joanne Linehan are hands-down some of my favorite fishing industry people, and run a quality operation in every aspect. We had two days of fishing on both the Kootenai and the Yaak Rivers; a mix of drift boat and wade fishing, in some of the most uncrowded, stunning country in Montana. It’s easy to get lost up there, and with fine fishing and good people it’s a uniquely special place.

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get link { 4 comments } Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 7.28.49 PM I had a ton of fun working with the team at Carryology on a feature about the gear I take with me on assignments. I regularly get questions about gear — and every photographer packs and carries differently. This list breaks down my must-haves by brand and model, giving what’s hopefully a good jumping-off point. Give it a read, and let me know what your favorite gear is in the field!

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Getting ready for a busy month. Next weekend I’ll be up on the Kootenai shooting with Linehan Outfitting Company for Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures, then the IFTD Show takes up the middle of July. End of the month, back home in Montana for a horse packing / backcountry fly fishing shoot for Yellow Dog. Sometime in between I hope to actually fish a bit!
The nice thing about this industry… regardless of the locale, fishy folk are pretty much the same the world around. Look forward to seeing some of you at IFTD!
Image: El Pescador Lodge and Villas, 2014, on assignment for The Orvis Company.

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mifa_seal.phpRodeo has always been close to home. I spent a lot of time on horses growing up, and one long summer learning how to rope. (I’m still sub-par at it, but it’s damn fun.) Having taken a step back from an earlier career in the equestrian industry, I now enjoy rodeos through the lens of a camera, trying to capture those hidden moments beneath all the “glory shots.”

source url Apparently it works. A rodeo series featuring the Montana High School Rodeo Finals several years back just took home a Category Award winner at the Moscow International Foto Awards. The series took home a both a subcategory and then an overall category win in the Professional category, and I can’t be more thrilled to see these shots get the attention. It’s not the first time they’ve been in the spotlight… several years ago after a feature photo essay in American Cowboy, the images received note in a popular international photography critique publication. The series will be part of a gallery show in Moscow this year, hopefully bringing a bit of the West to a new land.

follow link Several other photo series received an Honorable Mention, including work from a French Polynesia shoot for Costa del Mar, a few images from a recent shoot in Cuba for Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures, and a personal project shot on Russia’s Ponoi River.

And, yes, I still miss being in the saddle.