Belize Shots

enter by Fire Girl Jess on August 8, 2015

go to site Belize_OWas cruising the Orvis website the other day and found these familiar shots from last fall’s shoot in Belize. Always fun to see shots placed and in use. Ready for another dose of tropical. Heading out for a SUP / fishing shoot tomorrow… excited to see how it comes together. It’s been a couple years since the last SUP shoot, stalking carp on Holter Lake back home in Montana, and it was pretty damn fun. Stay tuned. Next weekend I’m heading up to Maine to shoot a couple of surfside / lifestyle projects; bit of a here, there, and everywhere. Trying to knock out the Northeastern projects before the cold months!

go site Look for the regular Vermont Chronicles post tomorrow on Chi Wulff; expecting this one to draw a bit of conversation. Hope everyone’s out playing this weekend!

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Morning traffic at Rainbo Camp, SW Alaska. Morning traffic at Rainbo Camp, SW Alaska. Going from exploring the streets of Manhattan to fishing in the Alaskan bush within the space of a week—kind of makes one think.

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Swinging up Dolly Varden on a special lil' mouse pattern equates to a very good day. Swinging up Dolly Varden on a special lil’ mouse pattern equates to a very good day. Just landed back in Vermont after 30-odd hours traveling back from Bristol Bay. I’ve yet to really sit and take a look at images, but you can see a few initial pics today on Chi Wulff.

Tramadol Uk Order In short, awesome week with some fantastic folks. Huge thanks to the gang at Bristol Bay Lodge for having me come up, and especially to the guide team who went above and beyond to get some awesome shots.

go More to come soon, both online and in magazines near you!

go Also, head on over to Hatch magazine to see a shot from a shoot last spring in Montana.

Guides Garrett and Joe prep for another day at out camp. Guides Garrett and Joe prep for another day at out camp.

Getting up close and personal on the Togiak.

Cheapest Tramadol Cod Getting up close and personal on the Togiak.

Sage—handwarmer, camera guard, ballast, and all around awesome boat buddy. Good News River, Alaska. Sage—handwarmer, camera guard, ballast, and all around awesome boat buddy. Good News River, Alaska.

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McGlothlin_Anaa_airport Ready to roll. Anaa, French Polynesia airport. And—once again—we’re off. This time bags are packed with cool-weather gear; not quite the snorkeling kit and shorts from the South Pacific (dammit). Everything still piles into the trusty Pelican cases and Patagonia duffel for this trip, however, and we’re heading north. North to Alaska. I’ll be spending the next week as an Artist-in-Residence at Bristol Bay Lodge. It’s been a couple years since I was in tundra and salmon country; looking forward to exploring some new waters with the camera. First time in Alaska, and new turf is follow url always a good thing. Huge thanks to the team at BBL for having me; excited to get up there and get to work! I’ll be trekking back east to Vermont on the 26th of August; look for images to be coming your way shortly after that, both here and in a number of magazines / online publications. Couple of fun Northeastern shoots coming up in August, so stay tuned. Screen Shot 2015-07-16 at 1.30.23 PMIn other news, happy to have another image show up with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership in email and website today. Fantastic group of people doing battleground conservation work. If you don’t already support them, please make a point to.

source url And in the latest digital issue of Alberta-based Fly Fusion, read a bit about our waters through the seasons, complete with images of some of my favorite waters. { 4 comments }

Evolution by Fire Girl Jess on July 12, 2015 McGlothlin_collageSitting still is far overrated. The good stuff—the interesting stuff—the things that draw our attention are always morphing, always changing, always moving. Because, really, what’s the point of it all without a bit of change to toss everything off balance now and again?

go here Yeah, change is good stuff.

Tramadol Online Overnight Shipping That’s why I’m excited to announce a fair amount of it. Fire Girl Photography has been growing at a brisk pace, enough to require a bit of re-structuring. When I created this business six years ago I never really saw the paths it would take me down. Seems like all the good things are like that—they take on a life of their own and pull you along for the adventure.

enter The business splits itself in half pretty well these days: half the work is photography, half is writing. A big commercial photography assignment will come along and then the next email that bounces into my inbox is an assignment for an investigative fisheries article. It’s turned into a rhythm I really like—those who know me well realize I don’t do bored. Bored doesn’t work. And so the diversity is more than welcome;  it keeps it interesting. That diversity has created a need for a more all-encompassing name, however. Fire Girl Photography speaks to one aspect, not both. And so, moving forward FGP is morphing into Jess McGlothlin Media, allowing for a more cohesive branding of both the writing and photography. I have no doubt the nickname “Fire Girl” will stick around, along with “Chica de Fuego” and all the iterations. (There’s a story there, involving situational survival training in the south Texas brush country and dancing around a cooking fire.) Some things stick with you. But start keeping an eye out for Jess McGlothlin Media in place of Fire Girl Photography in magazines and on websites. That same growth has demanded a few more changes. A new website launches today, with a highly edited photographic portfolio, a writing portfolio, and—something you’ve been requesting for years now—online print ordering. Print order demand has skyrocketed this past year, and this allows easy ordering with a wider variety of formats. So shop away, my friends. All funds from prints go directly into more travel, more adventure, and more image-making. The new site will be updated frequently. As soon as the campaign I shot for Costa Sunglasses in French Polynesia this May launches, expect to see a fair amount of those images in the site. (Way stoked about the images and can’t wait to share them with the world.) Images from that shoot will also be in a feature story in The Fly Fish Journal this fall… stay tuned. I’m off to Bristol Bay Lodge this Friday for a week as the Artist-in-Residence; images from that trip will be added quickly. Then there’s another exciting (and rather different) shoot coming up in early August. Basically, stay tuned. Stuff is just getting good.

I’m finalizing a new partnership for stock representation, to be announced in a few days. Thrilled to be joining this agency… it’s a group I’ve kept an eye on for many years.

For those who have been following along for the past years, thanks hugely for your support. I couldn’t do it without the awesome feedback and encouragement. So many of you I’ve met in far-off places just on the edge of the map, and look forward to the next time we meet, whenever and wherever that may be. The beauty of photography is you have to be there. Editing through images for the new site, I stopped several times, lost in an image, and went bloody hell, I was there. I did that. Saw that. Felt that. There’s no faking it (especially when you don’t own Photoshop).  You have to be there—sweat in the heat, shiver in the cold, stomp away the sharks, and sleep on countless airport floors.

Here’s to the coming years and the adventures. Thanks for the support, all. It means the world.


Playing Tourist in NYC

by Fire Girl Jess on July 7, 2015


McGlothlin_NYC-7McGlothlin_NYC-5It’s a good day when I can try something new. And when I can leap headfirst in a whole new world, it’s an even better day.

This Montana girl spent yesterday exploring New York City and just generally playing tourist. Lot of firsts—first train ride, first time on the subway, first time on a good-sized sailboat, first time on a metro bus, and, yeah, first time in New York. I spent most of the day wandering around by myself. Traveling with friends is fantastic, but sometime’s it’s pretty damn freeing to travel solo. Conversations start, I can stop and capture photographs whenever I want, and the destination is open to interpretation. That said, still pretty damn fun to meet up with friends for drinks at night!

Love visiting new places and just watching people. Realities are different everywhere you travel, and it’s hard to  beat the simple act of just sitting on a street corner and watching folks go about their days.

Exploring a bit more today, then back to Vermont tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s a top edit of a few gratuitous tourist shots.McGlothlin_NYC-6




Changes at FGP

by Fire Girl Jess on July 3, 2015

Fourth of July. Craig, Montana.

Fourth of July. Craig, Montana.

Hey gang. Sorry for the radio silence the past few weeks. A few rather significant project have risen their heads and life has turned into a rhythm of write—edit—web work—write—edit—web work—sleep (maybe). Rinse and repeat. There’s been a bit of trail running and some yoga thrown in, but that’s about the size of it. I’m pretty stoked to announce some big changes in the coming few weeks, including a new website showcasing a selection of new work and a new stock representation partner.

A couple of pretty awesome new projects are in the works. I’m off to NYC on Monday—my first time in the city. While this Montana girl cringes at the thoughts of skyscrapers and seas of people, I’m also ready to play with some street and architectural photography. Couple of work meetings, but I’ll have time to just explore the city. When in Rome, right?

In two weeks I’ll be on a plane somewhere over the States, making my way up to Alaska to be the Artist-in-Residence at Bristol Bay Lodge for the week. Looking forward to time on the tundra once more, hopping little planes, chasing salmon, and cruising new water. Something pretty special about seeing a fishery for the first time.

Wishing I was back in Craig to celebrate the Fourth with the gang at Headhunters—say what you will about Montana, but we know how to celebrate. And the good guys and girls at Headhunters put on a proper party. If you’re in the area, hit up Craig for some BBQ, fireworks, drinking, and all around good times. Wherever you are, get outside, breathe in some fresh air, sweat a little, go for a run, chase some fish—just get out and live.

Happy Fourth, all.

The full glory of summer at Mountain Palace, on Montana's Missouri River.

The full glory of summer at Mountain Palace, on Montana’s Missouri River.