This Morning on Chi Wulff: Talking Gear

click by Fire Girl Jess on June 21, 2015 **BagsI broke down my typical gear for a fishing-related assignment this morning on Chi Wulff. Talking bags, tech, and all the good stuff. Questions? Leave a comment and I’ll shout back. { 0 comments }

Adventures are best taken barefoot. The Palmer House, Charleston, SC.

Tramadol Buying Uk Adventures are best taken barefoot. The Palmer House, Charleston, SC.

follow link I’ve spent this past week down in South Carolina on assignment for Orvis, visiting a series of vendors who handcraft remarkable goods in the Deep South. While much of the work is on the writing side, I brought along the camera and got a few shots throughout the course of the week. Looking forward to returning to Charleston someday and really spending some time exploring the streets of downtown!

Turkey feathers ready to be crafted in into bow ties at Brackish—home of the original handcrafted feather bow ties.

follow site Turkey feathers are examined and prepped at Brackish—home of the original handcrafted feather bow ties.

Enormous supplies of star anise at Bittermilk, ready to flavor the company's elusive cocktail mixers.

get link Enormous supplies of star anise at Bittermilk, ready to flavor the company’s elusive cocktail mixers.

Someday... a long trip on a freighter. Someday… a long trip on a freighter. { 0 comments }

Published: American Angler July/August Issue

enter by Fire Girl Jess on June 11, 2015

source site Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 7.04.04 PMThanks to American Angler for running a series of Missouri River images in the July/August issue. Always a pleasure to work with this publication, and to see shots of one of my favorite rivers in print. ‘Til the next visit to Craiglandia. Cheers.

go to link { 0 comments } Screen Shot 2015-06-07 at 2.04.23 PMMountain Outlaw, glossy, mountain-filled goodness of a magazine that it is, just selected one of my portraits as a finalist for their portrait contest. The shot ran in the summer issue, and is now open for the public to vote on. Eight finalists were chosen, and the audience favorite wins some swag. So, help a girl out and please go vote! Voting is now through 1 September, and you can vote once per day. The portrait, shot last June on Montana’s Missouri River, is of Duck, an angler every kid should emulate as they grow up. The guy is a true gentleman, and fishy as hell.

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Back on Chi Wulff by Fire Girl Jess on June 7, 2015

Matt Shilling and Oliver White hunt for bonefish, bluefin trevally, and whatever else might be around.  Anaa, French Polynesia.

see url Matt Shilling and Oliver White hunt for bonefish, bluefin trevally, and whatever else might be around. Anaa, French Polynesia. After a few weeks of travel-related hiatus, I’m back on the weekly Sunday Vermont Chronicles post writing for Chi Wulff. Head on over for a brief write-up—and more images—of the recent expedition to Anaa. In Vermont for this next week, then heading down to South Carolina for a few photo shoots and writing research for Orvis. After that… who knows.

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Bluefin trevally.

get link Bluefin trevally.

Terangi, daughter of one of the guides and epic-level fish spotter. Terangi, daughter of one of the guides and epic-level fish spotter. Sometimes we travel places that are so big, so different, so amazing, they are hard to put into words. After all, how does one capture turquoise waters, vibrant fish, the laughter are we try to navigate a language barrier, the taste of fresh sea urchin pulled from the waters at your feet?

Tramadol Overnight Delivery Mastercard The past few weeks on the little French Polynesian atoll of Anaa with Costa del Mar and the IndiFly Foundation were incredible. The team, assembled from three continents, was fantastic, and the people of Anaa were hands-down the most welcoming I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. We played sports, threw spears, fished, ate, and lived with the locals; there was a sense of whole-hearted welcome I’ve rarely felt elsewhere.

follow link And the fishing. Blue-green flats extending far and wide, teeming with silvery bonefish and bold bluefin trevally, patrolled by bold blacktop sharks. Coral reefs opening up into the wide maw of the South Pacific, teeming with neon species I’d only seen in the pages of books. We waded miles and miles each day, at times fighting the sweep of the swell and other times floating along in calm, crystal waters up to our chests. The photo edit is slowly beginning to come together, and I’ve yet to really sift through my notes from the trip. It was a lot of living in ten days, joined by one of the most awesome teams I’ve ever had a chance to work alongside. Huge thanks to Costa and IndiFly for having me along. Looking forward to the next one!

Maddie Brenneman getting after it.

source Maddie Brenneman getting after it.

Alex Filous testing the waters.

Cheap Tramadol Cod Overnight Alex Filous testing the waters.

Oliver White tests out the street food before a night of sports with the locals.

Tramadol Buy Cod Oliver White and Matt Shilling test out the street food before a night of sports with the locals.

Night writing on Anaa.

source url Night writing on Anaa. { 2 comments }

On the Road Again by Fire Girl Jess on May 18, 2015 IMG_5872“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

Uk Tramadol Online Hitting the road tomorrow; off on another assignment, this time with Costa and IndyFly. See you all on the flip side.