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Excited to see that, after muddling through months of images in Orvis emails, on the web, and in catalogs, I’ve finally made it onto the cover. Ironically, the cover of a men’s catalog (not the fishing book), but as the circulation is larger than the fishing book I’ll roll with it. Hey, something new, right?
Purchase Tramadol Visa The cover shot is looking down from the Temple of the Sun God, at the Mayan ruins of Altun Ha not all that far from Belize City. Our small advance team was scouting locations for the fashion shoot this day, and
I couldn’t resist a little hike to the top. Something awesome about looking out over the tropic forest and wondering what lies within. Huge thanks to the creative folks at Orvis for putting all these assets together. Inside, you can read a fantastic story from Ali at El Pescador Lodge which I was also able to shoot the images for. And that inside cover shot of the two models looking at the map? I try to stay away from posed model photography, but if they are actually doing something, well, fire away.
follow site More clips to come; this campaign is everywhere right now, from the Orvis home page to an email series to several catalogs. Nice to dream of tropical places when it’s still cold and grey out!
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There are still images to be made in the monotone seasons. For this early spring shot in central Montana, I looked for strong lines leading into the frame. Composition is key. The Ides of March. Slowly, oh-so-slowly, we are meandering toward spring. Someday we’ll be wet wading, wearing tee shirts, and throwing dry flies. And photographing something with color (novel concept right now, as the world is rather black, brown and white.)
source link This week on The Vermont Chronicles we talk about three basic tenets of waterside photography—really, any photography—and how to make the most of your photo opportunities this fishing season. We’ve all got quite a job cut out for us; how do we capture the awesomeness of the outdoors in pixels? How do we bring the horizon into the camera?
go here Head on over to Chi Wulff for a few tips and tricks. { 0 comments } It’s been one of those weeks where I’ve wanted to stay busy and just not think too much. For the most part, it’s worked out. Somewhere in the run of Orvis work, Fire Girl work, and yoga I’ve managed to fit in a few snowshoeing hikes and stay (arguably) sane. Finally booked tickets for a trip back home to Montana in mid-April. Heading over a week before the Orvis Guide Rendezvous for some photo assignments and a bit of time fishing the waters of my youth with my brother. My default reaction when things get tough is to go to a river. And, with the decided lack of open water right now in Vermont my coping mechanism has gone all to hell. It helps at least to know a trip home is in the works.
Tramadol Cheap Uk After Bozeman, it’s over to Missoula for the Rendezvous and all that entails. My assignment this year is strictly behind the camera, which—simply put—makes this girl happy, Documentary photography all the way.
Order Tramadol From Uk In other news, I’m excited to collaborate once more with Hatch Magazine, showcasing a series of single images. The first went out today, heading a Hatch email. At Orvis FGP photos continue to pop up in emails, catalogs, and on various walls throughout the office. I even landed a catalog cover (rather ironically, on a men’s catalog).
watch Keeping busy is keeping sane. We like sane.
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